
The Collaborative is a partnership of civil rights organizations and policy groups that advances police accountability and transparency to improve police practices and restore trust between police and the communities they serve. 


In the aftermath of the 2015 Laquan McDonald video, Mayor Rahm Emanuel appointed the Police Accountability Task Force to develop pragmatic and transparent recommendations for reform, and the Department of Justice launched a "pattern and practice" investigation into the Chicago Police Department (CPD). The reports of the Department of Justice and the Police Accountability Task Force provide city officials and the public with a detailed blueprint for addressing systemic problems in CPD that arise out of racism, a mentality that the ends justify the means, a failure to make accountability a core value, and significant underinvestment in human capital. For lasting reform within CPD to take hold, Chicago's elected officials must take ownership of a locally driven process to continue implementing the unfinished business of these findings and recommendations.

Our Members

BPI Chicago
Chicago Council of Lawyers
Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights
Chicago Urban League
Community Renewal Society
Cook County Public Defender
First Defense Legal Aid
Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law